Category Archives: Letters

The Vicar’s monthly letters to the people of Alnwick.

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War – and Peace

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, On Sunday 8th November, from tiny village War Memorials to the great crowds that will gather at the Cenotaph in Whitehall, people will meet together to remember those who gave their lives … Continue reading

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The Refugee Crisis

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Only those with a heart of stone can fail to have been moved by the terrible plight of the thousands of refugees who have found it necessary to flee from their homeland, … Continue reading

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Good News/Bad News

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, I wonder if you are a glass half-full or a glass half-empty person? One thing is certain, the world needs more of the former. The reason I begin by asking such a … Continue reading

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Genuine Care

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, For those of us who use them regularly, e-mails can be a splendid way of communicating quickly and effectively. On the other hand, there are days when they are more of a … Continue reading

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Praising God with Singing

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, St. Augustine of Hippo is credited, by some, with the saying, “He who sings, prays twice.” Others dispute this and argue that what he actually said was, “Singing belongs to one who … Continue reading

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New Challenges

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, I am writing this letter as I await the arrival of the removal men bringing Jane’s goods and chattels from Monkseaton. I hope that their arrival will be closely followed by Jane … Continue reading

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Never-Ending Praises

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, One of the obligations of ordination is the daily recitation of Morning and Evening Prayer but, for me, it is not only a duty but a joy. As the months and years … Continue reading

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Love Triumphs

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick  Dear People of Alnwick, As a little boy I grew up with a girl called Jeanette who was only a fortnight younger than me. When we played together, we shared our toys and I remember, particularly, … Continue reading

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To Love and To Forgive

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Being human, we all need a little bit of escapism. Perhaps you play bridge or bowls; you may sing in a choir or be a member of a drama group. For those … Continue reading

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The Support of God

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Whilst on a recent course at Church House all the participants were all asked to write down a particularly happy moment that we could recall from our childhood. My choice was the … Continue reading

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