Category Archives: Letters

The Vicar’s monthly letters to the people of Alnwick.

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Rest in the Lord

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Recently, Jane and I were hugely privileged to spend a week in the south of France. It’s a part of the world that I had not previously visited and I was overwhelmed … Continue reading

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Running the Race

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, I am writing this letter as the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro draw to a close. As they began on 5th August I have to admit to having a heavy heart … Continue reading

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Do As We Can

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Holidays dictate that I write this monthly letter further away from the deadline date than is usual. I was reminded, however, that for the July edition of ‘Gateway’, writing only a day … Continue reading

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St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, As I write this letter people are making their way to polling stations to vote in the referendum about Britain’s membership of the European Union. ‘Gateway’ is not the place to take … Continue reading

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Not-so Ordinary Time

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Since 29th November last year (the first Sunday of Advent) the Church has had a long round of celebrations and observations. We have prepared ourselves for the birth of Jesus, celebrated that … Continue reading

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The Queen at 90

Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, As I write this letter our Queen is celebrating her 90th birthday. I am sure that she is inundated with messages of congratulation and goodwill – and rightly so. Hers has been a … Continue reading

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Recognising Our Blessings

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, All of us take so much for granted. If we wake up in the darkness of the night, we can stretch out an arm and, at the flick of a switch, we … Continue reading

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Good News – Now

Dear People of Alnwick, Do you remember in the “old days” when it was the common practice to lay newspaper under the carpet? A few years later, probably when redecorating, it was always interesting to read what had been in … Continue reading

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Lenten Activity

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, As I write this letter, having only a few days ago put the Christmas decorations in the loft, I am conscious that Lent will soon be upon us – so three cheers for the … Continue reading

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God’s Eyes at Christmas

Dear People of Alnwick, In his best-selling book ‘Prayers of Life’ the French Roman Catholic priest, Michel Quoist wrote: I would like to rise very high, Lord, Above my city Above the world Above time, I would like to purify … Continue reading

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