Author Archives: resurgam

Despair, Hope, and Peace

  Dear People of Alnwick, This letter will come to you just as Holy Week and Easter approaches. In the few short days between Palm Sunday and Easter Day, we experience just about every possible human emotion. From the ‘Hosannas’ … Continue reading

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Bishops’ Report on Marriage & Same Sex Relationships

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, I write this letter just days after the decision by the General Synod of the Church of England not to ‘take note’ of the Bishops’ report ‘Marriage and Same Sex Relationships’. Elsewhere … Continue reading

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Lent 2017

Heavenly Father, Protector of all who trust in you, you led your people through the desert and brought them to a land of plenty. Guide us as we journey through Lent. Fill us with your spirit of love. Preserve us … Continue reading

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No Doom or Gloom!

St Michael’s Vicarage, Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Christmas may now seem a distant memory – but I want to share with you some good news. In less than twenty-four hours between our Christingle service, Midnight Mass and the 8.00am … Continue reading

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Kings Bring Gifts to Vicar!

We were in a celebratory mood today, the 8th January because it was our Vicar, the Rev’d Canon Paul Scott’s 60th birthday! Rev’d Paul’s birthday happened to fall on the church’s celebration of Epiphany, and he was presented with gifts from three … Continue reading

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Make Room

St. Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, By the time you read this letter our “Posada” project will have begun again for another year. The figures of Mary and Joseph will have started out on their journey around the … Continue reading

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Advent and Christmas Services 2016

Candlelit Carol Service Sunday, 18th December, 6pm Christmas Eve Saturday 24th December Family Carol Service and Christingle 4.30pm Midnight Mass 11.30pm Christmas Day Sunday 25th December Holy Communion 8am Parish Communion for Christmas Day 9.30am St Stephen’s Day Monday, 26th … Continue reading

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A Lesson in Thankfulness

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Last Thursday afternoon I spent a wonderful time at St Michael’s Primary School. I’m very used to being there on a regular basis – particularly to lead school worship – but, on … Continue reading

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Rest in the Lord

St Michael’s Vicarage Alnwick Dear People of Alnwick, Recently, Jane and I were hugely privileged to spend a week in the south of France. It’s a part of the world that I had not previously visited and I was overwhelmed … Continue reading

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Bishop of Berwick Announced at Mini Michaels

On Thursday, 1st September St Michael’s was honoured to be the venue where the name of the new Suffragan Bishop of Berwick was announced. The grown-ups and children of Mini Michaels gathered for their usual Thursday morning session of  play, … Continue reading

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